Thursday, February 14, 2013

With Apologies From The Mayans...

"Sorry, I guess our predictions were a tad early."

“A meteorite exploded above the Chelyabinsk region (of the Urals). The shock wave blew out windows in several places,” but no meteor fragments hit the ground, an emergencies ministry spokesman told the Interfax news agency. “According to the preliminary information, four people were injured by flying glass,” the ministry added. An agency report spoke of several injuries. Witnesses cited by news agencies spoke of hearing loud explosions which led to panic among residents in the thinly-populated region. The meteor shower came hours before the close encounter with 50m-wide asteroid 2012 DA14, which will pass just 34,000 kilometres from Earth early tomorrow, Australian time, potentially interfering with communication satellites. The asteroid - which will be visible in parts of Australia - would leave a crater up to one kilometre wide if it hit Earth. Meanwhile evidence of a massive asteroid strike about 300 million years ago has been found in central Australia. Research from the Australian National University says the East Warburton Basin in northeast South Australia contains evidence thought to be caused by an asteroid measuring 10 to 20 kilometres in diameter that hit Earth more than 298 million years ago.

THE END IS NIGH. Well, probably not. Cool video though.


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