Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PETA and Criminal Activism

I am only posting this to shed light on the other side of the coin. To keep things perfectly crystal clear, I am against any kind of activism that breaks the law or infringes on others' legal rights.

Rotting Earth is transforming into a place for me to express my personal values as someone who is against the mistreatment of animals, and humans' active role in destroying the world around them. It is observational, and while I definitely support global change, the point of my blog is pretty clear; we are doomed to a dying world, and even if we do manage to affect change, the world won't be around forever.

I choose a lifestyle of minimizing my impact on other living things and on being more environmentally sound as a personal liberation, and not to inspire others to do the same. I frankly couldn't give a fuck what other people do because I am realistic about the rapid declination of civilization. You could argue I do it to be "morally superior", but I like to look at it another way; it's one more way for me to separate myself from the insanity of the herd.

I am not interested in sitting around at a vegetarian pot luck dinner and feeling like I am somehow making a difference. There are more tangible things I can do in order to do that, and it starts at home. But where it ends shouldn't be firebombing, bullying, and violence.

Rotting Earth exists to shed light on violent nature of humanity. When the time comes where I feel like I want to do something more tangible, it will be followed through in a thoroughly researched, legally sound manner.

As for the Bullshit episode, I DO think humans are on equal ground to non-human animals. And I DON'T find comparisons of mass produced, murdered animals to be fundamentally different from the events of the holocaust. We are all animals. I also do understand fang and claw, and the natural order, and hunting an animal and using every part of it is something I do find to be fundamentally FAR less abhorrent than meat processing plants. If I were out in the wild, and forced to survive, I would kill, like any other animal, to eat if I had too. But living in the Western world, I have the opportunity to forgo involvement in those industries on levels others don't, so I choose to take advantage of that privilege - plain and simple. It's about minimizing impact to me, wherever possible, and eliminating my involvement in an industry I feel is contributing to things I find to be against my personal values.

I am selfish, and I don't believe there is hope for the world. I am in this for me. Being a Satanist, that should come as little surprise to anyone who has a grasp on the values I hold. But it's something I feel I need to press so that I am not incidentally associated with the wrong kinds of people - humanitarians and extremists alike. I am not on either side of the coin. I am on my own side.

Foie Gras

Dear Mom: Thank you for giving me the idea to post this in my horrible, disgusting blog. I hope you don't cry when you see it.

Animal Testing

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Famous Vegetarian

Since writing my last rant, my views have slightly been altered by an influx of knowledge I receieved after some extensive research on the subject. I quickly switched over to a vegan diet, although I'm almost ashamed to say so; taking a trip to the local community health store was like walking into the fires of hell, where the demons were hipsters wearing loafers with no socks, and dreadlocks.

The fundamental difference between us? While many of them switched because Ghandi was a vegetarian, I switched because Hitler was.

Remarkably, as soon as the Nazi Party came to power in 1933, they began to enact scores of animal protection laws, some of which are still operative in Germany. (See here for the 1933 legislation.) For example, in Nazi Germany, people who mistreated their pets could be sentenced to two years in jail. The Nazis banned the production of foie gras and docking the ears and tails of dogs without anesthesia, and they severely restricted invasive animal research. The Nazi Party established the first laws insuring that animal used in films were not mistreated and also mandated humane slaughter procedures for food animals and for the euthanasia of terminally ill pets. (The Nazis were particularly concerned with the suffering of lobsters in restaurants). In addition, the German government established nature preserves, a school curriculum for the humane treatment of animals, and they hosted one of the first international conferences on animal protection

It's long been debated by moral Zionists if Hitler was really a vegetarian or not. How could that be? The villainized inhuman bastard who commited one of the worst genocides (not really) in world history actually had values of some sort?

If I had my choice between saving a Jew or a cat, that isn't any kind of a choice at all. If I had my choice between saving a human of ANY creed or a cat, that isn't any choice at all.

Was he a vegetarian? Arluke and Sax think so. Hitler once told a female companion who ordered sausage while they were on a date, "I didn't think you wanted to devour a dead corpse...the flesh of dead animals. Cadavers!" Hitler claimed that meat-eating was a major factor of the decline of civilization and that vegetarianism could rejuvenate society. His henchman Goebbels wrote in his diary, "The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian, on principle. His arguments cannot be refuted on any series basis. They are totally unanswerable."

Anti-Nazi propagandists will always try to dehumanize every single living soldier in the Third Reich because it would shatter their narrow minded worldview and actually give them one less ancestral thing to bitch about on a daily basis. But the Nazi's, like all people, weren't of a single track mind; Hitler was an advocate of animal rights, often over human rights.

I can't say I don't agree with him. I think all animal testing we do should be carried out solely on human animals. But I think there are plenty of prisons we can take from, rather than singling out a specific ethnic group.

SOURCE: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animals-and-us/201111/was-hitler-vegetarian-the-paradox-the-nazi-animal-protection-movement

Thursday, February 14, 2013

With Apologies From The Mayans...

"Sorry, I guess our predictions were a tad early."

“A meteorite exploded above the Chelyabinsk region (of the Urals). The shock wave blew out windows in several places,” but no meteor fragments hit the ground, an emergencies ministry spokesman told the Interfax news agency. “According to the preliminary information, four people were injured by flying glass,” the ministry added. An agency report spoke of several injuries. Witnesses cited by news agencies spoke of hearing loud explosions which led to panic among residents in the thinly-populated region. The meteor shower came hours before the close encounter with 50m-wide asteroid 2012 DA14, which will pass just 34,000 kilometres from Earth early tomorrow, Australian time, potentially interfering with communication satellites. The asteroid - which will be visible in parts of Australia - would leave a crater up to one kilometre wide if it hit Earth. Meanwhile evidence of a massive asteroid strike about 300 million years ago has been found in central Australia. Research from the Australian National University says the East Warburton Basin in northeast South Australia contains evidence thought to be caused by an asteroid measuring 10 to 20 kilometres in diameter that hit Earth more than 298 million years ago.

THE END IS NIGH. Well, probably not. Cool video though.

SOURCE: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/meteorite-strike-blast-injures-russians/story-e6frg6so-1226578992644

Humane Treatment

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Greater Good

Although this blog is specifically designed to be a buffet-style look at the bizarre, grotesque, and macabre, I don't mind posting something relevant to my "cause" every once in awhile, and this is something that has been on my mind lately.

First off, if I were to describe my worldview in a word, it would be "disenchanted." I have come to a conclusion that human progress as it stands is something of an illusion, and that things are getting worse at a rate where this no possibility of salvation. The overpopulation problem, the growing damage to the environment around us, and an obsession with vices and popular opinion have reached a devastating high. In short, I don't hold a lot of faith in the human species, so I focus exclusively on looking out for myself and the people close to me - the rest of them be damned.

That being said, there are some issues I hold close to my heart. For however long humans continue to writhe and ferment like the growing yeast they are, we will continue to ruin the world around us, and this is a problem I find to be unforgivable. The decline of our civilization is inevitable, and one day we will likely be wiped out by a cataclysm or some other life destroying event that will render us effectively extinct. I just hope it happens before we make it out into space and start ruining the rest of the galaxy, but like a galactic etch a sketch, the universe has plenty of ways to wipe the slate clean through natural causes alone. We are a doomed creature one way or another, and finite, both on a small scale and in the big picture. But in the meantime, we also must look for meaning in our own lives, and in order to stay sane despite this inevitability, should find things we think to be valuable and hold them close to us. The environment is one of those things for me, and anything I can do to fight back against the rushing tide of subhuman filth ever polluting the desolate shores of existence will, at the very least, give me just one more reason to wake up every day.

Truth be told, most animal rights activists, vegetarians, and any other collective that is in favor of helping the world around them are full of lunatics who I am not interested spending a single second with. People who think animals talk to them, and who talk about the "spirituality" of animals, or any of this other bullshit are just as reprehensible to me as the people actively killing the planet, just because they are all fundamentally irritating in one way or another. It's actually embarrassing to actually be seen "going green" because I simply don't want to be associated with this self-righteous brand of back-patting faggotry.

But the cause shouldn't suffer just because the people who support it are insufferable. I am definitely all for taking action to help the preservation of the environment, the protection of animals (not animal "rights", since human "rights" themselves are, too, a fallacious illusion believed by only the most short-sighted) and other related causes that will help to preserve the planet in the coming years. Although I am largely concerned with my own life, the life of my children and the people I love (and their children) are of equal importance to me, because without those rare few individuals whose company I cherish so much, life would be something less than it is. And at its lowest low, I have found it can be pretty unbearable, even in such good company.

I have made the choice to become a vegetarian, not out of the ethical conundrum of being omnivorous, but simply out of the choice to stop supporting an inefficient industry and the polluted, ruined food it provides. I have no interest in becoming vegan; valuable nutrients and vitamins such as B12 can be obtained from animal foods ALONE, and I am not at all a believer in purely relying on a supplement to get what nature expects of us. But cutting out the eating of flesh is something I am all for. If I had to eat meat to survive, I certainly would. But at this point, I don't feel that is a necessity. Eggs and dairy are fine in my books, though I would prefer finding alternative sources for those things rather than a big brand grocery store.

This leads me to the real point I am trying to make; supporting local causes. A long time ago, a dear friend of mine and I had a lengthy discussion about operating as a close knit community, rather than relying constantly on the consumerism of big business in order to survive. The exchange of resources on a local level is a far more idyllic way to live than existing constantly at the bottom of the oppressive, systemic pyramid of faceless corporate entities. It isn't so much to make a stand; it's more about being self efficient in my opinion, and knowing just where your hard earned money is going - directly into the pockets of people who you can meet, and actually want to support. I hate knowing my dollars are going to support some suited degenerate narcissist scumbag who will simply use it with the singular purpose of acquiring more of it, only to hang himself in a hotel room one night because he can't figure out why his retarded ass is so fucking miserable.

I don't want anything from society anymore. The human race is as loathsome to me as it ever has been. And this revelation doesn't come as a result of depression or loneliness, but instead, is directly affected by my increased mental stability over the last two months. Going through hard times and climbing out of the bottom of the void opened my eyes, and after completely rejecting all forms of time-wasting media and entertainment, and focusing exclusively on restructuring my worldview and immersing myself in my own epicurean world, I was able to make several vital decisions as to what my plan of action would be - and what purpose I would adopt for myself as a human being always teetering on the very edge of extinction.

Find what works. Immerse yourself in the things you enjoy. Weed out the rest. Systematically reject the people who waste your time, and feed on your emotions. Embrace the ones who don't.

I have no time for the cancerous subhumans who I have dealt with in the past, and who do little more than to physically suck energy and time from everyone around them because they are too depressed and miserable to look themselves in the mirror. Death is too good for these social lampreys who constantly ask for something, and offer nothing of value in return, emotional or otherwise. They need to be exterminated with extreme prejudice. This is a lesson EVERYONE would be better of learning sooner than later, although many people thrive on the masochism and false "altruism" they feel when lifting these loathsome, worthless scumbags up on their shoulders only to be trampled on at any given opportunity.

The modern world can go fuck itself. All that matters to me now is me and mine; I don't need to justify my decisions to anyone but myself. And I choose to minimize my connections with the hive mind of planet Earth whenever humanly possible. At the same time, living a completely selfish, hedonistic lifestyle is not something I can find joy in for long. So I also choose to adopt a purpose, to do what I can, starting in small ways, to help to protect the world around me. Not because I have anything to prove, but because we all need a reason, and a place, to live. I'd rather see the planet I exist on do better than worse, even with the knowledge of its inevitable, unstoppable destruction. I'd rather go out with a fight because to do anything else would be against the one thing I stand for; self-preservation.

People simply can't be my reason to live. And I have no interest in devoting my time and energy to helping the unfortunate dregs of society. My philanthropy exists out of spite for their existence, the parasitic infestation that they are. Animals are better than people, and they, and the natural environment they inhabit, deserve a hell of a lot more help than people do.

Just my ranting opinion, but it's a pretty clear outline about how I feel. If you are reading this you're in my good books; if you aren't, I'm not dangerous to you anyways - you'll never see me because I'll be avoiding you at every possible opportunity.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Japan Hates The Sea

I found this completely by coincidence. What the fuck, Japan? why u hate ocean?

The next time I hear some whining little faggot try to defend cultural stupidity like this, I am going to clap them a good one in the jaw. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty, and it's one of those things I am thoroughly becoming more and more sick of as time goes on. I have never inherently been against the idea of eating animals for food, but a humane death should be a bare minimum, always.

This is the kind of shit that propels me into activism of some kind, more and more. There is something really bothersome about four people laughing as they hold a live creature onto an open flame. I don't know of too many other animals who kill for fun like this. Fuckers.

Spetsnaz GRU

People training to kill other people; there is almost nothing else more exciting and impressive to witness. The human body can be pushed in unfathomable ways, and the mind, doubly so.

I have a fascination with the Nazi's as if anyone can't tell by this point, mainly due to their use of symbolism and an empirical mentality, but also because of their bureaucratic efficiency in weeding out "enemies of the state". This is before even getting down to their brilliant military tactics and their ability to pump out such loyal soldiers. But another group I've been digging recently is Spetsnaz GRU.

Spetsnaz GRU are the result of throwing pipe-hittin' Russians into one of the most rigorous training programs ever known.

The Russian military is full of badass motherfuckers. From the sacrifical tactics utilized on World War II (Minefield "tramplers" come to mind) to just about any current and former special force, all classified as Spetsnaz, there is a reason Russia is one of the most feared and impenetrable countries, and a reason why you'd never want to be on the wrong end of a Spetsnaz hatchet throwing. These guys are fucking hardcore.

There isn't enough time in the world to learn everything I want to know about everything, but next time I take a trip to the bookstore, I know the topic of interest I'll be searching for.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Speaking of Cannibals...

It's such a temptation to just keep posting VICE documentaries. They have done some really interesting stuff.

Posting this specifically for a friend who I was talking to about it earlier today.

Would love to get my hands on the photo book. That would make for a real conversation starter around the coffee table.

Allah Hu Akbar

Some murderous, sexually repressed monkeys do what they do best; torture a man to death via a severe, brutal beating. God is great, indeed.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Taiji Dolphin Slaughter

Dolphins are my favorite animals on the planet apart from cats, and I am including humans in this assessment who rank just below bug carcasses on my own personal food chain.

Apart from just being plain amazing and beautiful, they are thought to be among the more intelligent creatures on Earth, and a lot of their behavior and the way they communicate is still something of an ongoing mystery.

The Jappos are the butt of dolphin and whale hunting jokes for a good reason, and the dolphin hunting season around the town of Taiji is a prime example of exactly why this is.

People blowing their brains out has never been a big deal for me. Bodies getting tossed into flaming pits? No problem. Dolphins getting slaughtered by the masses, helping to ruin an already delicate ocean ecosystem that is in the worst state the world has ever seen it?

Bring on the suicide videos, seriously.

 Each year from September to May over 20,000 dolphins are slaughtered in Japan. Fishermen round them up by the hundreds using sound barriers to disorient and herd the frantic pods out of their normal migrations into hidden lagoons like the one featured in The Cove. Bottlenose dolphins, especially ones that look like Flipper, are pre-selected by trainers and sold off for upwards of $200,000 to marine mammal parks around the world, where they will remain in captivity performing as circus acts. After the trainers and spectators have left, the rest of the dolphins are inhumanely killed in what can only be described as a massacre.
The article goes on to explain how the Japanese defends dolphin hunting as part of their "cultural heritage", thus justifying mass, inhumane slaughter which is to such a degree that the water is saturated with blood.

Well, in North America, a part of our "cultural heritage" is nuking the shit out of the Japanese. But we stopped doing that after the first time, for obvious reasons.

I'm not making a threat here, I'm just saying, let's all give cultural change a chance.

Fuck humanity.

Here is a full length documentary on the subject if you have an hour and a half to spare.

Quote source: http://www.opsociety.org/issues/dolphin-slaughter-in-taiji


Canadian comedian Kenny Hotz decides to become a cannibal in his short lived show, Triumph of the Will.

In order to be considered a cannibal, he has to eat every element of the human body; skin, bone, blood, organ, and muscle. And surprisingly he succeeds on all fronts.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Budd Dwyer

An oldie but a goodie; the classic gunshot suicide of politician Budd Dwyer.

Favorite Youtube comment: "Nobody fires Budd Dwyer but Budd Dwyer."

Holocaust Art and Nazor The Great

Had some of these images hanging around. Mostly it was an excuse to post the last picture which I find to be unintentionally amusing. You get a much better picture if you click one, then you can just shuffle through them.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This blog is a lot of fun because often times the pestilence seems to speak for itself.

Liberia is one of the worst shitholes on the planet. I'm sure I would sleep a little better at night were it wiped off the face of the Earth

Vice did a fantastic documentary on this wretched, AIDS infested stain on the surface of the world. They compared it to a hell on Earth.

Of course, that makes it more than appropriate for Rotting Earth.

That was fun, wasn't it?

West Point was the most fascinating bit of disturbia in the documentary. Here are some more fun filled pictures of Liberia in case that wasn't disgusting enough.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Grave Exhumation

Fuck Islam? Fuck people.

This too is an older video, but one that I think paints a pretty picture of the kind of horrific nonsense people are capable of.

Yes, people. Despite popular thinking, I do not have any desire to shit all over Muslims or any other kind of religious group. It is people who commit these acts; how they are brainwashed into being capable of doing so is irrelevant in my opinion.

Just another fine day on planet Earth, another example of why man is the most vicious animal of them all.

This particular beheading took place because the victim converted to Christianity according to the information I was able to dig up. Not that it fucking matters really, since I am not really trying to make a point by posting it except maybe that it did not make a difference whose God this poor bastard chose to believe in.

Oh, and also, fuck Islam anyway. Just because I feel dirty sounding like I am trying to be apologetic towards their backwards agenda.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Decomposing Body

Just because I am feeling particularly festive and celebratory, here is a follow up to the autopsy video; a decomposing human corpse.


This could very well be a completely seperate video from what I remember, but a few years ago I recall seeing a full length autopsy that was very similar to this one, which seems to be the same video cut down to around ten minutes in length.

There is something primal and terrifying about looking behind the eyes of someone. Not as much now that I am a little older. But it is a stark reminder of our ultimate mortality, and a morbid curiosity of mine. Corpses are neat.